Line 3170 - Commentary Note (CN) 
Commentary notes (CN):
1. SMALL CAPS Indicate editions. Notes for each commentator are divided into three parts:
In the 1st two lines of a record, when the name of the source text (the siglum) is printed in SMALL CAPS, the comment comes from an EDITION; when it is in normal font, it is derived from a book, article, ms. record or other source. We occasionally use small caps for ms. sources and for works related to editions. See bibliographies for complete information (in process).
2. How comments are related to predecessors' comments. In the second line of a record, a label "without attribution" indicates that a prior writer made the same or a similar point; such similarities do not usually indicate plagiarism because many writers do not, as a practice, indicate the sources of their glosses. We provide the designation ("standard") to indicate a gloss in common use. We use ≈ for "equivalent to" and = for "exactly alike."
3. Original comment. When the second line is blank after the writer's siglum, we are signaling that we have not seen that writer's gloss prior to that date. We welcome correction on this point.
4. Words from the play under discussion (lemmata). In the third line or lines of a record, the lemmata after the TLN (Through Line Number] are from Q2. When the difference between Q2 and the authors' lemma(ta) is significant, we include the writer's lemma(ta). When the gloss is for a whole line or lines, only the line number(s) appear. Through Line Numbers are numbers straight through a play and include stage directions. Most modern editions still use the system of starting line numbers afresh for every scene and do not assign line numbers to stage directions.
5. Bibliographic information. In the third line of the record, where we record the gloss, we provide concise bibliographic information, expanded in the bibliographies, several of which are in process.
6. References to other lines or other works. For a writer's reference to a passage elsewhere in Ham. we provide, in brackets, Through Line Numbers (TLN) from the Norton F1 (used by permission); we call these xref, i.e., cross references. We call references to Shakespearean plays other than Ham. “parallels” (//) and indicate Riverside act, scene and line number as well as TLN. We call references to non-Shakespearean works “analogues.”
7. Further information: See the Introduction for explanations of other abbreviations.
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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
3170 As one incapable of her owne distresse, 3170 | 4.7.78 |
1774 capn
capn: see n. 2508
3170 incapable] Capell (1774: 1:1:145): “incapable” (l. 15.) is the negative of that ‘capable’ which occurs at 85, 13 [2508, see below], and is explained in the “Glossary.” See n. 2508
2508 capable] Capell (17741:1:Glossary) : “one endu’d with that Power: The same Word (AYL a.s.l. [0000]) signifies,—capacious, of some Depth or Capacity.”
1783 malsii
3170 As . . . distresse] Malone (1783, p. 59) : “As one having no understanding or knowledge of her danger. See a former note on the words — ‘—— preaching to stones, Would make them capable.’”
[former note is identified.] 1783 MALONE (1783, II:59; v1793, p. 295; v1803, p. 317; v1813, p. 317; v1821, p. 460) observes on As one incapable of her own distress .]
1785 v1785
v1785 = malsii
3170 As . . . distresse]
1787 ann
ann = v1785
3170 As . . . distresse]
1790 mal See n. 2507-8
mal: v1785 (magenta modified)
3170 As . . . distresse] Malone (ed. 1790) : “As one having no understanding or knowledge of her danger. See p. 339, n. 8. [2507-8].
[page 339 refers back to the closet scene and the note 8 is to “preaching to stones”: “Capable here signifies intelligent ; endued with understanding. So, in (R3 a.s.l [0000]) ‘--------------------O, ‘tis a parlous boy, Bold, quick, ingenious, forward, capable. We yet use capacity in this sense. See Vol. VII. p. 122, n. 8. “]
1791- rann
rann: standard
3170 incapable] Rann (ed. 1791-) : “unconscious, insensible of her danger”
1793 v1793
v1793 = malsii +
3170 incapable] Ritson (apud, Steevens, ed. 1793) : “That is insensible. So, in (R3 a.s.l[0000]) : ‘Incapable and shallow innocents.’ RITSON”
[Ed. In v1793 (as in v1803, v1813, v1821), Steevens modifies Malone’s reference to a “former note” in his MALSII to reflect the page number and note number of the respective editions that follow. [this is the closet scene I refer to above in MAL].]
1803 v1803
3170 incapable]
1813 v1813
ç3170 incapable]
1819 cald1
3170 incapable] Caldecott (ed. 1819) : “Unconscious, insensible of. In (Ham 3.4.125-6 [2507-8]) we have ‘making stones capable’ but a more apt instance occurs in Henry Brereton’s Newses of the present Mieries of Rushia, 4to. 1614: ‘The wretched state and miserable condition of this untimely widdowed lady,, and two sonnes, both so young, that they were not capable of their calamity,’ P. 29. See also ‘alongst the galupin or silver paved way of heaven, conducted into the great hall of the gods, Mercury sprinkled me with water, which made me capable of their divine presence.’ Greene’s Orpharion, 4to. 1599, p. 7. ‘Poore little brat, incapable of care.’ Drayton’s Moses his Birth, 4to. 1630.”
1821 v1821
3170 incapable]
1826 sing1
sing1: see n. 2507-8 ; sing1 ≈mal without attribution
3170 incapable] Singer (ed. 1826) : “i.e. unsusceptible of it. See note 21, p. 276 [2507-8].”
2507-8 capable] Singer (ed. 1826): “i.e. unsusceptible of it. See note 21, p. 276.[ note 21: “Capable for susceptible, intelligent , i.e. would excite in them capacity to understand. Thus in King Richard III.:---‘---O ‘tis a parlous boy, Bold, quick, ingenious, forward, capable .’
1832 cald2
cald2 = cald1
3170 incapable]
1833 valpy
valpy ≈ standard
3170 incapable] Valpy (ed. 1833): “Insensible.”
1854 del2
3170 incapable] Delius (ed. 1854) : “incapable of = unzugänglich für Etwas. Vgl. über capable Anm. 7, A. 3, Sc. 2.” [“incapable of means inaccessible for something. See capable at note 7, Act 3, Sc. 2 [2507-8].”]
His note for 2507-8 is on the groundlings and Hamlet’s speech to the first player on the use of pantomine, etc. in the theatres.
1856 hud1 (1851-6)
3170 incapable] see n. 3169
1856b sing2
sing2 = sing1
3170 incapable]
1858 col3
col3 : standard
3170 incapable] Collier (ed. 1858) : “Meaning, of course, unconscious of her own distress.”
3170 incapable] Collier (2nd ed. 1858, 6: Glossary): “unconscious.”
1859 stau
stau : standard
3170 incapable] Staunton (ed. 1859 : “unsusceptible, unintelligent.”
1864-68 c&mc
3170 incapable] Clarke & Clarke (ed. 1864-68, rpt. 1874-78): “Unsuseceptible,’ ‘unintelligent,’ ‘unconscious.’ See Note 151, Act iii.”
1869 Romdahl
3170 incapable] Romdahl (1869, p. 40): <p. 40>“unconscious. Compare [R3 2.2.18 (0000)].”
1872 del4
del4 = del2
3170 incapable] Delius (ed. 1854) : “incapable of = unzugänglich für Etwas. Vgl. über capable Anm. 7, A. 3, Sc. 2.” [“incapable of means inaccessible for something. See capable at note 7, Act 3, Sc. 2 [2507-8].”]
His note for 3507-8 is on the groundlings and Hamlet’s speech to the first player on the use of pantomine, etc. in the theatres.
1872 cln1
cln1: standard
3170 incapable] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): “unable to feel. Compare ‘capable,’ [KJ 3.1.12 (0000)]: ‘For I am sick and capable of fears.’ In the sense of ‘able to understand’ we have had ‘capable’ in this play, [3.2.11 (2507-8)].”
1872 hud2
3170 incapable] see n. 3169
1877 v1877
v1877 : mal (only “As one . . . See p. 339, n. 8. [2507-8].”) ; v1793 (Ritson only) ; cald1-2 (only Greene’s Orpharion analogue)
3170 incapable]
1881 hud3
hud3 : see note 3169 for HUD2 and HUD1
3170 incapable] Hudson (ed. 1881): “Incapable for insensible or unconscious. The Poet has it so in one or two other places. See vol. ix. page 189, note 3, and vol. xii. page 274, note 6.”
1885 macd
macd ≈ standard
3170 incapable]
1885 mull
mull ≈ standard
3170 incapable]
1890 irv2
irv 2: standard
3170 incapable] Symons (in Irving & Marshall, ed. 1890): “insensible.”
1899 ard1
3170 incapable] Dowden (ed. 1899): “without capacity to apprehend; see capable in [3.2.14 (0000)].”
1905 rltr
rltr : standard
3170 incapable]
1906 nlsn
nlsn: standard
3170 incapable] Neilson (ed. 1906, Glossary)
1931 crg1
crg1 ≈ standard
3170 incapable]
1934 rid1
rid1 : standard
3170 incapable] Ridley (ed. 1934, Glossary):
1934 cam3
cam3 : standard
3170 incapable] Wilson (ed. 1934, Glossary)
1939 kit2
Kit2≈ standard
3170 incapable]
3170 incapable] Kittredge (ed. 1939, Glossary):
1938 parc
parc ≈ standard
3170 incapable]
1947 cln2
cln2 ≈ standard
3170 incapable]
1951 alex
alex ≈ standard
3170 incapable] Alexander (ed. 1951, Glossary)
1951 crg2
3170 incapable]
1954 sis
sis ≈ standard
3170 incapable] Sisson (ed. 1954, Glossary):
1957 pel1
pel1 : standard
3170 incapable]
1970 pel2
3170 incapable]
1974 evns1
evns1 ≈ standard
3170 incapable]
1980 pen2
pen2 ≈ standard
3170 incapable]
1982 ard2
ard2 ≈ standard +
3170 incapable] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “Cf . . . [3.4.127 (0000)].”
1984 chal
chal : standard
3170 incapable]
1985 cam4
cam4 ≈ standard
3170 incapable]
1987 oxf4
oxf4 : OED
3170 incapable] Hibbard (ed. 1987): “insensible to ((OED incapable 2)).”
1988 bev2
bev2: standard
3170 incapable]
1992 fol2
fol2≈ standard
3170 incapable]
1993 dent
dent ≈ standard
3170 incapable]