Line 3380-82 - Commentary Note (CN) 
Commentary notes (CN):
1. SMALL CAPS Indicate editions. Notes for each commentator are divided into three parts:
In the 1st two lines of a record, when the name of the source text (the siglum) is printed in SMALL CAPS, the comment comes from an EDITION; when it is in normal font, it is derived from a book, article, ms. record or other source. We occasionally use small caps for ms. sources and for works related to editions. See bibliographies for complete information (in process).
2. How comments are related to predecessors' comments. In the second line of a record, a label "without attribution" indicates that a prior writer made the same or a similar point; such similarities do not usually indicate plagiarism because many writers do not, as a practice, indicate the sources of their glosses. We provide the designation ("standard") to indicate a gloss in common use. We use ≈ for "equivalent to" and = for "exactly alike."
3. Original comment. When the second line is blank after the writer's siglum, we are signaling that we have not seen that writer's gloss prior to that date. We welcome correction on this point.
4. Words from the play under discussion (lemmata). In the third line or lines of a record, the lemmata after the TLN (Through Line Number] are from Q2. When the difference between Q2 and the authors' lemma(ta) is significant, we include the writer's lemma(ta). When the gloss is for a whole line or lines, only the line number(s) appear. Through Line Numbers are numbers straight through a play and include stage directions. Most modern editions still use the system of starting line numbers afresh for every scene and do not assign line numbers to stage directions.
5. Bibliographic information. In the third line of the record, where we record the gloss, we provide concise bibliographic information, expanded in the bibliographies, several of which are in process.
6. References to other lines or other works. For a writer's reference to a passage elsewhere in Ham. we provide, in brackets, Through Line Numbers (TLN) from the Norton F1 (used by permission); we call these xref, i.e., cross references. We call references to Shakespearean plays other than Ham. “parallels” (//) and indicate Riverside act, scene and line number as well as TLN. We call references to non-Shakespearean works “analogues.”
7. Further information: See the Introduction for explanations of other abbreviations.
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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
3380-2 to my Ladies | {table} <Chamber>, & tell her, let her paint an inch thicke, to this | fa- | |
1631 Anon.
3380-2 Now get you . . . she must come] Anon. (Ancient Funerall Monuments, 1631, apud Ingleby et al. 1932, 1: 356, which notes the anonymous author’s verse for Hamlet’s prose): “Then bid the wanton Lady tread, Amid these mazes of the dead. . . . Bid her paint till day of doome, To this fauour she must come.”
1753 blair
3382 favour] Blair (ed. 1753, Glossary): “countenance, visage.”
1765 Heath
3382 favour] Heath (1765, p. 546) : “To this savour she must come ]]. We should read, agreeably to all the other editions, ‘to this favour she must come.’”
1773 jen
3381 table]
Jennens (ed. 1773) : “dressing-table.”
1778 v1778
3381 table] Steevens (ed. 1778) :“Thus the folio. The quartos read—my lady’s table , meaning, I suppose, her dressing-table. “
1785 v1785
v1785 = v1778
3381 table]
1787 ann
ann = v1785
3381 table]
1790 mal
mal = v1785
3380-2 to . . . fauour]Malone (ed. 1790) : “i.e. to this countenance or complexion. See Vol. II. p. 499, n. 6, and Vol. VII. p. 328, n. 3. ”
1791- rann
3380-2 to . . . fauour] Rann (ed. 1791-) : “dressing-room— table —toilet.”
1803 v1803
v1803 = v1793
3381 table
v1803 = v1793
3380-2 to . . . fauour
1807 Douce
3380-2 to . . . fauour] Douce (1807, rpt. 1839, p. 478):“There is good reason for supposing that Shakspeare borrowed this thought from some print or picture that he had seen. There are several which represent a lady at her toilet, and an old man presenting a scull before the mirror. A print by Goltzius exhibits Vanity as a lady sitting in her chamber with jewels, &c. before her, and surprised by the appearance of Death. In one of Henry the Eighth’s wardrobe accounts, a picture at Westminster is thus described: ‘Item a table with the picture of a woman playing upon a lute, and an olde manne holding a glasse in th’one hande and a deadde mannes headde in th’other hande.’—Harl. MS. No. 1419”<
1813 v1813
v1813 = v1803
3381 table
v1813 = v1803
3380-2 to . . . fauour
1821 v1821
v1821 ≈v1813 + magenta underlined
3380-2 to . . . fauour] Malone (apud Boswell, ed. 1821) : “i.e. to this countenance or complexion. So, in Bacon’s History of king Henry the Seventh:‘He was a youth of fine favour and shape.”
1826 sing1
sing1 = v1821 (minus Bacon analogue)
3380-2 to . . . fauour]
1833 valpy
valpy ≈ standard
3382 fauour] Valpy (ed. 1833): “Complexion.”
-1845 mHunter
3380-2 to . . . favour] Hunter (1855, p. 226) : <p. 226> “This sentiment was in the mind of him (supposed to be Francis Beaumont) who wrote those very striking lines entitled ‘A Momento of Mortality’ after taking a view of the sepulchre in Westminister Abbey, and who has thus introduced it. ‘Then bid the wanton lady tread Amid these mazes of the dead. And these truly understood More shall cool and quench the blood Than her many sports a-day And her mighty wanton play. Bid her paint till day of do ^ [with “o” above the caret]me To this favour she must come.’
“They are perhaps the least happy lines of a poem of such merit. It may be found in [ name unclear? Lewis’s ?] Funeral Monument p. 492. The book was finished in 1631, & the author speaks of the poem as a recent composition. ‘Our lately having taken a view &.’” </p. 226>
1845 Gent. Mag.
3381-2 let . . . come] Mitford (1845, p. 129): <p. 129> “Compare Aventure of Sir Gawayn, st. xiii.; the Ghost says, ‘Take truly tent right nowe by me For all thi fresche favoure, Muse on my mirror, For king and emperor Thus shall ye be.’” </p. 129>
1854 del2
3382 favour] Delius (ed. 1854) : “favour =Miene, Aussehen. Wenn die vornehme Dame (my lady ) sich auch zolldicke Schminke auflegt, wird sie am Ende doch so aussehen, wie dieser Kopf.” [countenance, appearance. If the distinguished lady applies thick make-up, she will seem thus so at the end, as this head.]
1856 sing2
sing2 = sing1
3380-2 to . . . fauour]
1857 elze1
elze1: Douce
3381 table] Elze (ed. 1857):"chamber]] So lesen QA und Fs. QB folgg: to my lady’s table.—Nach Douce II, 264 soll Shakespeare diesen Gedanken von einem alten Bilde entlehnt haben, welches eine Dame an ihrem Putztische darstellt, der ein alter Mann einen Schädel im Spiegel zeigt." ["So read the Q1 and Ff. Q2ff read ’to my lady’s table.’ According to Douce, II, 264, Shakespeare should have introduced these ideas from an old image which represents a woman at her dressing table, which points to the skull of an old person in the mirror."]
1860 mhal1
mhal1: Q1
Halliwell (1860) marks the Q1CLN 2008-14 equivalent as “mutilated.”
1868 c&mc
c&mc ≈ standard
3382 favour]
Clarke & Clarke (ed. 1868): “‘Aspect,’ ‘appearance,’ See Note 86, Act I, [
JC 2.1.91 (189)].”
1869 Romdahl
3582 fauour] Romdahl (1869, p. 41):“countenance. Compare [MM 4.2.34 (1885-86), [Ant. 2.5.38 (1071)].”
1869 tsch
3380 table] Tschischwitz (ed. 1869): “Unter table ist hier offenbar a toilet oder dressing-table gemeint.” [“Furthermore, table here clearly means a toilet or dressing table.”]
1872 del4
del4 = del2
3382 favour
1872 cln1
3380-2 to . . . favour] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): “applied in Shakespeare’s time to the features of the face. So in Bacon, Essay xliiii: ‘In beauty, that of favour is more than that of colour, and that of decent and gracious motion more than that of favour.’”
1877 v1877
mal (
Furness incorrectly identifies
mal as
Steevens); ≈
cln1 (
minus “applied in Sh’s . . . of the face”)
3380-2 to . . .
Clark & Wright (
apud Furness, ed. 1877): “So in Bacon,
Essay xliiii: ‘In beauty, that of favour is more than that of colour, and that of decent and gracious motion more than that of favour.’”
1885 macd
macd ≈ standard
3380-2 to . . . favour] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “to this look—that of the skull.”
1885 mull
mull ≈ standard
3382 favour]
1890 irv2
irv2: standard
3382 favour] Symons (in Irving & Marshall, ed. 1890): “complexion.”
1899 ard1
3382 favour] Dowden (ed. 1899): “commonly used for appearance, aspect; also for beauty, comeliness; also for the countenance, the face.”
1905 rltr
rltr : standard
3382 favour]
1931 crg1
crg1 ≈ standard
3382 favour] Craig
1934 Wilson
Wilson MSH
3380-1 Ladies table] Wilson (1934, 1:51) offers that Q2’s reading of table is an example of compositorial error in which the repeated “table” of previous line allows for the repetition of the word at 3381 in Q2. Wilson favors F1’s Chamber.
1934 rid1
rid1: standard
3382 favour] Ridley (ed. 1934, Glossary)
1939 kit2
kit2 ≈ standard
3382 favour]
1938 parc
parc ≈ standard
3382 favour]
1942 n&h
n&h ≈ standard
3382 favour]
1947 cln2
cln2 ≈ standard
3382 favour]
1951 crg2
crg2 = crg1
3382 favour] Craig (ed. 1951, Glossary)
1954 sis
sis ≈ standard
3382 favour] Sisson (ed. 1954, Glossary)
1957 pel1
pel1: standard
3382 favour]
1970 pel2
pel2 = pel1
3382 favour]
1974 evns1
evns1 ≈ standard
3382 favour]
1980 pen2
pen2 ≈ standard
3382 favour]
pen2 ≈ Wilson + in magenta underlined
3380-1 Ladies table] Spencer (ed. 1980): “There were engravings of Death (represented by a skeleton) coming into a young lady’s bedchamber while she sits at her toilet-table. For table F reads ‘Chamber’, which may be right; table could be due to a repetition from [3379].”
3381 let . . . thicke] Spencer (ed. 1980): Note “the frequent hostility to face-painting; compare [1703] and [1798].”
1982 ard2
ard2: standard
3381 let . . . thicke] Jenkins (ed. 1982)
ard2 ≈ standard
3382 favour] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “A common motif in the tradition of the danse macabre, in which a skull appears beside a woman at her toilet, here makes use of a hyperbole which seems to have been current in the satire of women. Queen Elizabeth herself was reported by the Jesuit priest Anthony Rivers at Christmas 1600 to have been painted ‘in some places near hafl an inch thick’ ((Foley, Records of the Soc. o Jesus, I.8)); and Nashe in the 1594 </p. 554> <p. 555> Preface to Christ’s Tears, ridiculing Gabriel Harvey’s style, had compared his vainglory to a mistress ‘new painted over an inch thick’ ((Nashe, ii. 180)). The conjunction of this gibe with another figuring Harvey as a grave-digger making free with the carcases of dead authors has prompted, but does not compel, a hypothesis that Nashe was echoing an earlier version of Hamlet by Shakespeare in which this passage already appeared ((SQ, XV, 446-7)).”
1984 chal
chal: standard
3382 favour]
chal : standard
3381 paint] Wilkes (ed. 1984): "apply cosmetics."
1985 cam4
cam4 ≈ standard
3382 favour]
1987 oxf4
oxf4 ≈ standard
3382 favour]
1992 fol2
fol2 ≈ standard
3380-1 Ladies table] chamber]]Mowat & Werstine (ed. 1992): “i.e. the room of the gentlewoman you would entertain.”
fol2 ≈ standard
3382 favour]
1993 dent
dent ≈ standard
3381 paint] Andrews (ed. 1989): “apply cosmetics.”
dent ≈ standard
3381 Favour] Andrews (ed. 1989): “Hamlet is probably combining such senses as ((a)) facial appearance, ((b)) beauty, and ((c)) love-token.”
3380 3381 3382