More every week! offers deep levels of information on Hamlet and related works for scholars, students, theater practitioners, and fans. The site is a continuing work in process.
At the site's heart are the Browse Hamlet Works and Search Hamlet Works functions.
BROWSE lists Through Line Numbers from Hamlet. Clicking on it and then on one of the sets of 100 lines yields a list of individual lines. The number of bytes for each line reveals how much information is available in commentary notes (CN), and textual notes, both material and immaterial (TNM, TNI).
If you are not sure of the Through Line Number, check the Enfolded Hamlet. Or use the SEARCH function.
SEARCH finds character sets within the CN, TNM, or TNI -- or all three. Search for a word within Hamlet and the function will display all lines in which that word appears. Search for a name and you will find all the lines in which that name is mentioned. For example, a search for "Johnson" will list all the mentions of that name in commentary notes.
SEARCH Other Texts finds words or phrases in the facsimile texts and contributed essays hosted on the site. For example, a search for "Edmund Kean" will list all the mentions of that name in such texts as the Furness Variorum Edition of Hamlet, Alan Young's "Visual Representations of Hamlet," and Bernice W. Kliman's Hamlet: Film, Television, and Audio Performance. The KWIC (KeyWord In Context) output allows you to see the searched terms in context and to access the pages in the original text where the terms occur.
Note: many of the facsimile editions and other scanned texts are in DjVu format. The DjVu format, which is also used in The Complete New Yorker DVD publication, is an innovative compression format that allows high quality images with embedded text to be streamed easily over the Internet. To view these texts you will need to download the easy-to-install DjVu plug-in using the link below the menu on the left. You may also use a Java applet to view these texts by clicking on the "(Java DjVu)" link for a particular text.
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Editors in order of their joining the project
Bernice W. Kliman
Frank Nicholas Clary
Hardin Aasand
Eric Rasmussen
Laury Magnus
Marvin Hunt
Web Master
Jeffery A. Triggs

3372-3 Ham. <Let me see.> Alas poore Yoricke, I knew him {Horatio} <Ho-| ratio>, a fellow of infinite
3373-4 iest, of most excellent fancie, hee | hath {bore} <borne> me on his backe a thou-
3374-5 sand times, and {now} how | abhorred {in} my imagination {it} is: my gorge
3375-6 rises at it. Heere | hung those lyppes that I haue kist I know not howe
3376-7 oft, | where be your gibes now? your gamboles, your | songs, your fla-
3378-9 shes of merriment, that were wont to | set the table on a roare, {not} <No> one
3379-80 now to mocke your owne {grinning,} | <Ieering?> quite chopfalne. Now get you
3380-2 to my Ladies {table} | <Chamber>, & tell her, let her paint an inch thicke, to this | fa-
3382 uour she must come, make her laugh at that.
Click the through line numbers above to view the commentary notes for those lines.